Flower Showers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

So after finally tiring of people,(my parents),begging me to begin blogging, I decided that today was the day.  I was sitting at my computer, thinking of some catchy, alliterative blog names.  Kitt's Kitsch? Olivia's Observations? Squyres Scuttlebutt?  I felt I was on the cusp of genius, when I became aware of deafening silence.  Anyone with a toddler understands how truly scary those quiet moments can be.  My ensuing search for Karolina ended in the guest bathroom, where I found her sitting on the floor, surrounded by fluffy red curls.  Dear Lord.  She's cut her hair.

My relationship with that hair began at 1632 on January 3, 2008.  The midwife pulled K out of the tub, (that's a whole different blog entry), placed her on my chest, and asked, "What do you think, Mommy?"  I looked at my new daughter with love and wonder and replied, "She's got red hair.".  For months I assumed that her hair would fall out and grow back blonde like her father's, so I barely allowed myself to hope that the red would stay.  But when those eyebrows and eyelashes began to shine like newly minted copper pennies, I finally gave in to the love of all things ginger!  Immediately, every aesthetic decision I made revolved around those tresses.  Clothes, carseats, nursery bedding, it all had to look pleasing with K's hair.  And just when I thought I couldn't love those locks any more, they began to curl.

Three and a half years later, K's hair is something of a local celebrity.  When out as a family, Daniel and I are constantly stopped and asked about it.  People are always remarking on it, pointing at it, and even touching it (shudder).  In my opinion, red hair is not that big of a deal, but to my enjoyment/dismay, it has shaped K's personality.  She fully expects public attention, and if ignored, often resorts to cheap tricks like singing, dancing, and twirling to achieve it.  In fact, in the event that none of these tactics work, she has been known to walk up to a perfect stranger, poke him/her, and then point back to herself whilst making jazz hands.

I know that hair is insignificant.  But it is worth mentioning that the family portraits I have painstakingly agonized over for the past four months are coming up soon.  And, gentle readers, when I say soon, I of course mean tomorrow. TOMORROW!!  Remember when I mentioned my crazy tendency to make decisions based on K's hair?  Yeah.  Every outfit, every accessory, every prop, for EACH member of my family was chosen with that damn hair in mind.  Pink? No way, it will clash!  Hats?  You must be high- we need to see the curls.  I bought dresses from Paris, shoes from Italy, and the finest tiaras from China (now with extra lead!).  I scoured estate sales for jewelery, antique stores for tea sets and miniature table/chairs.  I've worked my considerable backside off to ensure that my family looks perfect, and now Karolina looks like an extra from Schindler's List. 

My mother told me to keep things in perspective.  I'm blessed.  My children are healthy and happy.  She said it's not a catastrophe.  And it's not.  It's a Kittastrophe.  A-ha!  A blog is born.


  1. I so love it!! Can't wait to read more girl! Wow, she cut those red locks huh! I've been thinking about blogging as a hobby and now that you've jumped off the ledge and done it and it's so funny..I think I may just have to humor myself and finally do it! Much love to ya girl! So love the blog! Keep writing funny things because I look forward to reading them ;o)

  2. Love it! Keep it going. You're writing is therapeutic for me on tough days........

  3. Nathan cut his hair last week and now looks like a serial killer. Full moon?
